Monday, April 27, 2009

My First Race

On Saturday I went to the Matrix Challenge on Swiss Avenue in Dallas and competed in my first bike race. Papa G rode with me, but he could hardly keep up. I sprinted from the start, and slowed a little near the end, but did out sprint another competitor at the line. I was awarded a medal for my efforts, and its been around my neck almost non-stop since then! After the race, a cold chocolate milk hit the spot, and then a short nap in Daddy's Jeep completed the recovery.

Not long and I will be tearing up the race courses. Watch out, the third generation of Leney racing is here !!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me !!

Yesterday I turned six ! Its been a whole week of celebrating. On Saturday my grandparents and Gigi came to our house and brought gifts and cake. Yesterday I brought cupcakes to my class and got to go to the office to have them tell everyone in the school it was my birthday during the morning announcements. Then last night I got more presents from Mommy and Daddy. This birthday thing is pretty awesome, which is currently my favorite word.

This coming Saturday I am having a big party for my friends and family, I will get Daddy to post a video from the party. Its a big gym party with pizza and I am excited about it !

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back To School

I had to go back to school this week after two wonderful weeks off. I was excited to see my friends, but not to happy about getting up early again. But after a few days I am back in my routine.

I got my report card and got "excellent" on all but one thing, and I got a "satisfactory" at that. And, if I read with Mom and Dad and reach six hours before February, I will get a free ticket to Six Flags!

I want to thank everyone for my wonderful Christmas. Santa visited and brought me some great toys, and my family gave me all kinds of fun things. I am still taking toys out of boxes weeks later that I have not had time to play with yet. But I will make time !

Grandma and Papa Fred gave my parents a new video camera and Daddy says he will post some video of me very soon.